Circle of Death with Busta Rhymes

Game Type: Card - C


  • Beer
  • Deck of cards


This Is A Complicated game at first but its fun! First you need to lay the cards out in the circle of death (just spread them in a circle). Establish a circle and the order of who goes. In that order, everyone will pull out a card, and take their turn.

Now for what each card will mean:

  • Number's 1-8 Black cards= You chug a beer for the amount of seconds on the card.
  • Numbers 1-8 Red cards= You give the card to anyone in the circle and make them chug for that amount of seconds. The person who pulls this card gets to count for whoever he gave it to.
  • Any Number 9 (rhyme)= The person who pulls a 9 must say a word. Then the next person in the group must say a word that rhymes with that word within a few seconds. This must be done quickly. The person who fails to say a rhyme must drink for 9 seconds. The counter is the person who pulled the card. And if the counter is the one who failed to make a rhyme he picks who counts for him.
  • Any Number 10 (topic)= The person who pulls a 10 must say a topic. Then the next person must say a word that goes with that topic. It goes around and whoever fails to say a word within a few seconds. This must be done quickly. Again, the counter is the person who pulled the card. And if the counter is the one who failed to say a word he picks who counts for him.
  • Jack (social)= everyone just takes a small drink.
  • Queen (question)= the person who pulls this card must ask the next person in the circle a question. Their answer must be a question to the next person, and so on to the next person. This also must be done within a few seconds.
  • King (waterfall)= Killer to most people. The person who pulls this card is usually pretty screwed. Everyone gets a new beer and starts chugging it. You only get to stop if the person before you stops. The order of this is the person who pulls the card is last, and the person after him is first. (eg: the order is John, Jill, Bill, and Jen. John pulls the King. the order of who gets to stop is Jill, Bill, Jen, then John.) And if you stop before you're allowed to, you have to chug an entire beer (or make up your own punishment)
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