General Drinking Game Rules

Game Type: Misc - G


  • Alcohol


This isn't a game as such but rather a general set of rules we play with at session of our drinking club.

Names: you cannot refer to anyone by their name, everyone is given a name before hand. In our group it is just a nickname ending with nog (I'm Frog-nog, there's a Crotch-nog, Scary-nog… they all have a meaning to us at least), other version use names of characters from well known TV shows. Ie: names from Dallas.

Pointing: no pointing! Simple as that. You can't point with anything but your elbow. Becomes a problem when you can't remember people's names.

Sniffing: no mentioning/talking/look at/ to Members of the Other Sex. At all! It gets really annoying when a cute girl starts trying to chat you up and you have to ignore her. Sometimes the temptation is just too great, sometimes she knows the rule…

Distances: beverages must always be placed at a required distance of one finger length from the table edge.

-Forbidden words: no mentioning the word 'drink' or any of its derivatives. Consume, inbibe, beverage… come in useful

No use of the words 'pint', 'half pint', or 'glass'. A new system of 'vessel' sizes is created: a 'nog', 'demi-nog', 'quad-nog'… (a nog being two finger widths of a pint glass.)

Of course penalties for all the above are 'consumption' of 'beverage'.


Simon Leslie