Fizz Buzz

Game Type: Card - F


  • Alcohol
  • Plenty of people


One person starts counting and it moves around the group. Everytime it gets to a multiple of 5 (eg 35) that player must say 'fizz' instead of the number, then it carries on. Everytime it gets to a number with 7 in it (eg 17, 27, 72) that player must say 'buzz' instead of the number. If any number falls into both categories then the palyer must say 'fizzbuzz'.

Heres an example:

  • Player 1: 1
  • Player 2: 2
  • Player 3: 3
  • Player 4: 4
  • Player 1: Fizz
  • Player 2: 6
  • Player 3: Buzz
  • Player 4: 8
  • Player 1: 9
  • Player 2: Fizz etc..

Any person who gets it wrong in any way (they forget to say fizz or buzz or they say the missed out number) has to drink a designated amount of alcohol. The more you drink, the harder it gets!

